ChokeFree Leather and VelPro Mesh

ChokeFree Leather in Metallic Turquoise

ChokeFree VelPro Mesh in Pink
Additional Information & Pictures
ChokeFree Pets has a petanomic product that makes it possible to walk a pet without causing pressure on the pet's neck/throat. The pet will not choke, gag, or cough while being restrained. The easy-on/easy-off design with Step-N-Wrap with Vel-Lock Closure is for all pets and makes walking a delightful experience for both owners and pets. The simple installation of the ChokeFree involves placing the pet's feet and legs through the leg openings and snuggly wrapping the ends around the shoulders and placing the ring through the the Vel-Lock Closure. The ultra easy ChokeFree is a stylish, easy to wear pet friendly alternative to conventional neck collars and harnesses that are difficult to install and can cause pain. ChokeFree is the best doggie design of all time. ChokeFree was created in response to neck injuries that pets can experience while being restrained with conventional harnesses that put pressure on the pet's neck and forechest.
ChokeFree Pets c/o Assured Solutions is dedicated to identifying problems and providing appropriate solutions with minimal effort at a reasonable cost. Pets may need to gradually increase the wearing time until they are used to the ChokeFree harness. Since 2006, ChokeFree has not put pressure on the pet's trachea or windpipe, There are similar designs that claim to be non-choking or choke free, but they may still place pressure on the pet's windpipe and cause choking and gagging. The center portion of our soft smooth one piece patented ChokeFree design touches the pet in-between the pet's front legs, whereas the other step-in harnesses touch the pet's forechest area rather than in-between the pet's front legs and they cause choking. See the below red VelPro Mesh pictures for more information.
ChokeFree VelPro Mesh Side View
ChokeFree VelPro Mesh Front View
Retailer Information
Retailers with Tax Resale Identification Numbers should please contact ChokeFree at 321-223-4015 or via Email at for more details and information about becoming a retailer of the Step-N-Wrap ChokeFree with Vel-Lock Closure. ChokeFree sells directly to distributors, retailers, pet stores, veterinarians and other companies who are offering ChokeFree for resale to their customers ChokeFree Pets c/o Assured Solutions does not sell directly to the General Public. Many stores and websites including Amazon sell ChokeFree products. Many ChokeFree retailers can be found by doing an Internet or Google search for the ChokeFree Pet Shoulder Collar Harness. The General Public will need to buy ChokeFree products through a retailer.
To order VelPro Mesh in all of the above colors and PawRiders via Amazon, please highlight, copy and paste the below link:
Ordering Information
There are many retailers nationwide that offer ChokeFree for sale to the General Public in their retail stores and on-line websites. Please search the internet to locate these retailers.
Mail Orders
Puttin on the Dog in Boynton Beach Florida is a retailer that takes orders and ships ChokeFree products including leather and VelPro Mesh to general public customers nationwide. Please contact Puttin on the Dog to place an order via their website at or place an order via telephone at
Shipping & Handling Update
As of 4/17/23, Shipping and Handling charges for ChokeFree Products will be updated as follows:
Effective 5/1/23, Shipping and Handling charges on shipments of ChokeFree products will be based on current USPS rates in effect on the date shipments/packages are mailed.
ChokeFree Sizing & Wearing Instructions
The preferred method of selecting the proper size ChokeFree is to try it on the pet. ChokeFree should be fitted such that it allows enough room to be comfortable without allowing so much room that the pet can back out or otherwise wriggle out of the shoulder collar. Once the ChokeFree is placed on the pet, if the pet can tuck its head and back out or if the owner can pull the ChokeFree over the pet's shoulders and head, the ChokeFree is too large and a smaller size should be selected. It is the pet owners responsibility to insure that the pet is fitted with the proper size ChokeFree.
To determine the size, wrap a measuring tape or other long/narrow item such as a lead, ribbon or belt around the pet just behind the front legs. Do not pull it tight or make it loose. Take the exact measurement around the chest just behind the front legs. Lay the measured ribbon on a yard stick to determine how many inches are needed and go up to the next inch for comfort. The exact measurement plus less than one inch should be the size of the ChokeFree that is needed. ChokeFree sizes match the circumference of the pet's chest just behind the front legs. A good rule is to measure the pet's chest circumference exact and go up to the next inch to allow for comfort.
The VelPro Mesh ChokeFree is available in five sizes that match the number of inches they will fit around.
For example, if a dog is sized to be 14" per the above instructions, it will wear the Small which fits 13" to 14" around the chest.
VelPro Mesh Sizes
XS fits 11" - 12"
S fits 13" - 14"
M fits 15" - 16"
L fits 17" - 18"
XL fits 19" - 20"
The Leather ChokeFree is available in one inch increments that match the number of inches they will fit around.
For example, if a dog is sized to be 14" per the above instructions, it will need a Size 14 Leather ChokeFree.
To wear the ChokeFree Shoulder Collar, lay the ChokeFree on a flat surface with the Dring facing down and place the pet's front feet in the ChokeFree's leg openings. Pull the ChokeFree up and around the pet's legs and shoulders. Wrap the ends of the ChokeFree together snugly by engaging the hook & loop on one end and following through to the other end while placing the Dring through the slotted opening. Press both sides firmly together, When a leash is attached to the Dring, ChokeFree will seal together without coming apart during restraint.
Additional Information
The ChokeFree is very simple to put on and take off and is not recommended to be worn all of the time. Even though there are those who never remove the ChokeFree from their pet, it is meant to be worn only when needed for restraint. ChokeFree is not intended to be used for Tie-Out or when pets are being left unattended.
Pets that chew may cause damage to ChokeFree. There are sprays that discourage chewing that could be a solution for pet owners with pets that chew. A pet tee shirt can be worn over ChokeFree until the pet no longer wants to chew on ChokeFree. ChokeFree Pets cannot be responsible for ChokeFree Collars that have been chewed. ChokeFree Pets cannot be responsible for ChokeFree Harnesses that are sized improperly or for splits and tears in the leather due to chewing or due to contact with substances that damage the leather or mesh or remove the color. Liquid Pet Flea Preventative that is placed in between the pet's shoulders while wearing ChokeFree may come in contact with and damage the ChokeFree and color.
Pet Wellness Begins with ChokeFree
Many animals have trouble breathing when they pull against a restraint leash and they experience choking and wheezing. Unfortunately, many times animal owners do not realize that their pet's collars or harnesses are applying pressure to their pet's airway. The unique design of the ChokeFree shoulder collar does not place pressure against the pet's neck or forechest area. Many pet harnesses and collars put pressure against the pet's neck during restraint. The pet-friendly ChokeFree restraint does not put pressure on the pet's airway. ChokeFree is the preferred choice for all owners and pet
ChokeFree Story
ChokeFree was created in response to a small dog that was choking when his conventional harness pressed on his airway and trachea area while he was on a walk. His Veterinarian said that he could no longer wear anything for restraint that would come in contact with his airway and trachea. As a result, a new design that would restrain him around his shoulders was developed. In addition, an effort was made to make the design as simple as possible with a Step-N-Wrap feature and a Dring through velcro feature whereby velcro could be used to secure the ChokeFree harness. As a result the Yorkie Poo was able to walk without choking while wearing the ChokeFree Pet Shoulder Collar Harness.